Friday 30 August 2013

However, we haven't even scratched the surface of what we will see in India in future. We are still digging the foundations of what I see as a tall high-rise building, placing us below the ground floor of an opportunity that is unmatched in the direct selling industry. Our plan is to have 500 EXECUTIVES in India by the time Nu Skin launches and that will be the ground floor of this high-rise. With the current momentum carrying on, I believe we can achieve this quite quickly in 2015. These 500 Executives will be the FOUNDING LEADERSHIP TEAM of what is predicted to become Nu Skin's largest market in future. The question I have for you is how many of these 500 Executives are going to be in your team? Whatever number you can decide on depends on your GOALS and your VISION. Some of you may be satisfied with 5 Executives while others may want to have 50 or 100 Executives in their team by launch.

A simple way to work out how many Executives you want is to look at your long term income goals. India is predicted to be a $1 billion market in the long term (and this is a conservative figure). If Nu Skin is doing $1 billion of revenue a year in India and you have 1% market share of Nu Skin in India, then $10 million of revenue will be flowing through your team annually, giving you a minimum annual income of $500,000. If you have 10% market share of Nu Skin India, then your minimum annual income will be $5,000,000 a year (I say minimum because I'm calculating on the lowest payable percentage which is 5%...remember that Nu Skin pays up to 43% of revenue in commissions). What amount of a yearly residual income would you be happy with? Based on this, plan to put in your efforts and build your team accordingly. As Nu Skin launches in India and 500 Executives are already in place, the number of Executives will grow to 5,000, 50,000 and beyond. As this growth happens, your team of 5, 50 or 100 Executives will also grow in the momentum and that is how you will end up with big market share in Nu Skin India. To acquire 1% market share, you need to have 5 Executives in your team and to have 10% market share your entire team should consist of 50 Executives by the time we reach 500 Executives.

 Are you willing to put in the effort to catch this vision?

Monday 26 August 2013


 Over the past few generations, perceptions,  attitudes, and behaviors related to aging have  changed. While past generations adopted a more  passive, less involved view of aging, NOW  PEOPLE ARE TAKING A VERY ACTIVE, COMPLEX,  AND DELIBERATE APPROACH TO ANTI-AGING.        

 The desire to retain a younger look and feel isn’t restricted to an older generation. Modern men and women are making changes in their lifestyles to increase their life spans. They are beginning their skin care treatments at a YOUNGER AGE and are spending more time and money on PRODUCTS THAT MINIMZE THE SIGNS OF AGING. With younger consumers hoping to preserve their youth before the onset of aging, the consumer group for anti-aging products expands from middle-aged and older consumers to younger consumers between 26 to 38 years.

 The trend in aging solutions, like cosmetic surgery, is also changing. People are shifting from difficult reconstructive procedures to delicate, less invasive options. While people today are happy to turn back the clock in terms of their attitude to their age, 80% of respondents said they would not consider cosmetic surgery when they’re older, led by 86% of people in Asia-Pacific.


 Warding off premature aging with nutrition science is fast catching on. Taking health supplements to counteract the impact of inadequate nutrition and poor diet on cellular function is becoming common. 

   Looking to trim down their health expenses and possibly initiate a maintenance plan, consumers have begun to focus more on prevention than treatment. Vitamins and herbs have become popular alternatives in the anti-aging market due to consumer need and desire for safe, biological, and chemical free products that slow down the aging process and reverse visible signs of aging. A recent consumer survey revealed that 48% feel that what they consume can affect their body appearance as much as what they topically apply to the body.   

 Led by the boomers, consumers are looking for more age- and condition-specific offerings rather than supplements for general health. More and more, consumers want products that will help alleviate aging-related conditions, such as heart, bone, joint, and digestive concerns.



The global wellness products industry is a $569 BILLION INDUSTRY, AND ANTI-AGING IS ONE OF ITS FASTEST GROWING CATEGORIES. The anti-aging market is PROJECTED TO REACH $274.5 BILLION BY 2013. Asia-Pacific and North America represent the largest growth geographies.